Sunday 29 May 2016

Robert Whitehead - Naturopath

Robert Whitehead
Born on the East Coast of Australia, Robert had two qualifications when he left Sydney for Adventure at the age of 25, Agriculture and Commerce & Accounting.
Robert has worked in rural Albany & Kununurra. Went on to Media in farm broadcasting in Radio and TV. Then onto journalism with the West Australian, in Perth, prior to more adventures in broadcasting in Papua New Guinea and Hong Kong in 1972.

He has traveled & worked overseas. Robert then morphed into Real Estate for twenty years back in Perth. Then, after tinkering around the edges of natural medicine, in 2008, Robert enrolled to formally study the discipline with Advanced Diplomas of Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Medicine. You can call him on +61 8 9383 7408, or email, for a blast about your health, or indeed, its’ possible absence!!

Click on image to hear the program

 Robert Whitehead


Indonesian Program Presented by:

Ahmad Komara
I come from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. I have been living in Perth for about three years. I am a PhD research student at Curtin University, Western Australia. Back in my country, I am a government officer working for the Ministry of Finance.

Kristian Agung Prasetyo
I was born on Christmas day in 1974 in Madiun. After leaving a TAFE-level education in 1996, I worked at the Indonesian tax office for more than a decade. I left the tax office in late 2012 to become a tax trainer. I did my undergraduate degree in management at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta and a master's degree in taxation at Curtin. Now, I am doing a PhD, still in taxation, at Curtin also.
Frederika Niken

I was born in Central Java and have been living in Papua since 2005. I am studying master of sustainable aquaculture in Curtin University. I work for Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affair in Papua. I have learnt Papuan dancing and have attended cultural festivals in Papua. I love Papuan music, food and dance. The Papuan cultures and traditions just make me love Papuan people and the land!

Click on image to hear the program

Monday 2 May 2016

The Philippines

The program on the Philippines' history, culture and migration was presented by Cecilia Conception, Ruth Lopez and Professor Michael Pinches 8 May 2016.

 Philippines' History, Culture and Migration

The program on Kenya, its history, culture and migration was presented by Eva Mwakichako, Anne Tonje, Cecilia Morris and Ivy Kihara 1 May 2016.

 Kenya - History, Culture & Migration